The shisha: it has not aged in a thousand years!
Hookah, huka, narguile, shisha or chicha… Whatever the name we give it, it is in 1380 that we discovered a new use for a coconut.
Yes, you read it correctly, recycling already existed! The object continued to evolve to become the shape we know today: refined and aesthetic.

1. The ancestor of shisha: the coconut?
The word « narguile» comes from the Persian narguil which means coconut. The shell of this fruit was actually used as a container. Once emptied and filled with water, it gave a particular aroma to these first water pipes in known history. In fact, the word shisha also finds its roots in the Persian word shiche which means bottle.

2. “Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar!”
Did you know ?
It is possible that the shisha has its origins in Africa. Archaeological excavations in Kenya, at Se Banzi and in Tanzania show that the world’s oldest narguile does not have a nationality.
Not surprising ! The entire east coast of Africa had many links with the Persians, the Indies and the Arabs. It is therefore almost impossible to locate the birth of this millennial practice. Proof that shisha is universal!

3. Do you want to be stylish in the 18th century? Pose with your shisha!
The sultans took « selfie » with their shisha in order to have swag ! Used even during diplomatic meetings, it took on a political dimension.
In the Ottoman era, the practice of hookah really took off. The Ottoman sultans insisted on having their portraits painted with their shisha. The narguile becomes a symbol of social recognition and an entertainment for important personalities.

4. The shisha killer show
The Ottoman sultan Murat IV banned the consumption of coffee and tobacco. You thought it was to protect the people? Absolutely not, Murat IV found in the prohibition of narguile, political means to establish his power!
Murat IV patrolled the streets and cafes of Constantinople, in civilian clothes, to watch over the proper execution of his orders. He simply killed anyone who did not follow his rules.

5. 2018, the year of the shisha 3.0 with Chichamaps?
Whether in Europe, Asia or North America, the shisha has become extremely popular. No worries, Murat IV is not likely to wander the streets of Paris, New York, Moscow or London!
Today, with Chichamaps, you’ll find an establishment in 2 clicks everywhere in the world.